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Home>Articles>How do I use parental controls in Windows 7?
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How do I use parental controls in Windows 7?

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Parental controls allow a parent to set accounts so children may only log on to a computer at certain times and they determine what games they may play and when.

There is also website filtering so that when the child tries to do something a parent has blocked they have to ask permission by email or the parent is required to type in a password to override. The child will be told he/she is blocked.

To set it up go to control panel and choose User Accounts and Family Safety. Choose the account to be regulated. If there hasn’t been an account created for the child, it may be done here.

It is recommended both the child and administrator accounts have passwords. If the administrator does not, the child may log on as administrator and negate the settings.

Next, go to Windows Live Family Safety and log on with your Microsoft account username and password. If you do not have one, you may create one here.

You will then be on the Windows site and you may choose each area and set your restrictions or things allowed. You will also be able to choose what is logged so you may look at reports later.

With web filtering, you may choose from several options. One will allow them on specific sites only. Another only allows them access to sites rated for children, and another allows them on general interest sites but blocks adult sites. You may choose whether they are allowed on social communication sites such as Facebook. You may also block them from downloading files.

You may also allow (default) or block them from running the different applications (called apps here) that are installed on your computer.

With games, you may either choose specific games or allow or block certain ratings of games. There are several groups that rate games from which to choose.

Send your questions to Dwight Watt at He teaches at a technical college in northwest Georgia and does consulting work for businesses and individuals. His website is

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Home>Articles>How do I use parental controls in Windows 7?
IMPORTANT! Installing computer monitoring tools on computers you do not own or do not have permission to monitor may violate local, state or federal law.